Hot and Cold therapy

Hot & Cold Therapy Lake Forest

Hot & Cold Therapy Fountain Valley

Many people do not know whether to use heat or ice. Here is a simplification of the matter.

Cold Therapy

Used when the injury is due to inflammation. Cold with decrease inflammation and thus will feel better.


  1. Place cold pack to pain region
  2. Do it for 15-20 mins
  3. Do it 2-3 times a day to start.
  4. Keep doing and make an appointment to asses the injury as soon as possible.


Hot Therapy

Used when the injury causes muscle stiffness and or stresses the region. Hot therapy will relax the muscles and increase blood circulation for good nutrients to the injured area.


  1. Place hot pack to pain region
  2. Do it for 15-20 mins
  3. Do it 2-3 times a day to start.
  4. Keep doing and make an appointment to asses the injury as soon as possible.